Member-only story
spyder story
unstitching a phobia: a lesson taught by spider’s secret service
on sport-n-spa’s splendor bed
(my sprigs & spirit in a sprawl)
was s’prised to spot a speckled spy
spacewalking down the spotlit wall.
the spreading of its spreaders spoke
(i s’pose some prose in sacred sign),
which stiffened stuff within my sum,
unstitched my stable state of mind.
in splitted-sec, it spelunked from there
to there to there…spontaneous threads
(silky-splurgy-svelte spaghettis);
asudden!, it sprung & split from stead!
mine eyes splashed o’er the stygian slab
& stalked but couldn’t speculate
which slot or slat it slipped so swift
(inside?! ‘longside?! sideboard?! substrate?!).
in sprouting from my starched-supine
(my sage & sap in need of splints),
the spores of ‘nother’s stealth & spunk
exposed an eerie enlight’ning event,
which (in that spell where scale meant squat)
two species were spinning significant spheres:
one — a stitcher of stride & stock;
the other — a stitcher of suffocative fear.
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Have a super exhale-day!