Member-only story
This Day
(for Purple and Pearls)
Peeling potatoes on this unprecedented event
Puts me in a spirit of ponderment…
That — for some — perdition has either overfrozen…
Or pigs have received their pinions this day, I’m supposin’…
This inaugural day…in this year of God’s Son…
The twentieth of January, two thousand twenty-one…
Whereby the United States of America presents
The swearing in of our new Vice President:
The first…yes, the first…American of Black roots…
The first…yes, the first…American of South Asian roots…
The first…yes, the first…American of XX nucleic structure…
To hold this post at this juncture.
Which calls for the preparation of some celebratory dishes
Perfected over time through trial and glitches:
Slicing and dicing onions and carrots amply…
Pulling spices and herbs and stock from the pantry…
Cracklin’ bread in the skillet…pies and peach cobbler in the oven…
Peas and okra on one burner…greens on the other…
Garlic-poking marinated meat (adding a smidgeon of sugar)…
Plugging in the pressure cooker…
Then plugging myself in…to the sweet & savory of this day…
The pundits…the poets…the passions…the display
Of possibility and…