Member-only story


villain to villain

nonperfect & nonexempt from judgement

Tonja E. Betts
Photo by Patrick Collins on Unsplash

we each the villain in someone’s tale…
dead vermin in some mem’ry’s jail.
by ev’nin’s drowse, the sole that weighs —
is all-caps-Judge’s ending-bell.

we all the rogue in satire’s eye…
mere breath appears to qualify.
a pinch! we’re triggered. the villains sprout —
& both sides play the either-sides:

…like…hands yank weeds from nestle & poise —
invasive villains, misconceived villains…
…& pawses spar with vacuum’s noise —
territory villains, auditory villains…

…petrol prices pick the pockets —
supply-chain villains, gas-hoard villains...
…tunnellers drain the deeds from sockets —
vampire villains, kinfolk villains…

…antipathy pollinates antipathy —
absentia villains, wrong-era villains…
…group-FREE claims dominance over group-FREE —
hierarchical villains, crayon-box villains…

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